DEMO – The best performance in town

Contracts must be performed in accordance with their content, at the place and time stipulated, and in the quantity, quality and range of products or services agreed. Thus, the performance of a contract can be broken down into three essential elements: the place of performance, the time of performance and the method of performance.

Exercise 1

Match the two halves of the sentences. Use your knowledge of the Hungarian Civil Code.
1)     The implied terms of a contract contain…
2)     The service or goods rendered…
3)     The contracting parties have to fulfill their contractual obligations …
4)     The contract must be performed in due time, …
5)     The general rule is that payment must be effected within …
6)     Payment before the due date may only be possible
7)     Partial performance is possible …
8)     As a general rule, the contracting parties …
9)     The parties to the contract may engage third persons to help them perform the contract, however …
10)  Parties other than the contracting parties …
11)  Assignment is used for the action when…
12)  There are various types of warranties, …
a)     must fulfill their obligations in person.
b)     may have a role in the performance of contracts.
c)     in the case of consumer contracts by the consumer.
d)     such as warranty of title or warranty of merchantability.
e)     30 days as of the seller issues a request for payment or the buyer receives the invoice issued by the seller.
f)      the contracting parties are liable for all losses and injuries that are caused by third persons.
g)     one of the contracting parties transfers a right to a third party.
h)     have to be of merchantable quality.
i)       if the contract is divisible, i.e. the goods and services stipulated therein may be rendered partially.
j)       i.e. within a certain period or by a certain date.
k)     quality and quantity specifications that are implied by the law.
l)       under the terms and conditions of the contract.

Write your answers here.

Selected Value: 1
1= very easy 10= too difficult, not my level

Exercise 2

Decide if the following sentences are true or false. Use your knowledge of the Hungarian Civil Code.
  1. The express terms of a contract contain quality and quantity specifications that are stipulated by the parties.
  2. Consideration is one of the essential elements of all contracts, without consideration there is no contract.
  3. Donation agreements (deeds of gift) have consideration in the continental legal system.
  4. Consideration can be money, a right, a service performed for the one received, goods or even an undertaking to refrain from doing an act that one is legally entitled to.
  5. Consideration does not have to be valuable or should include all costs that usually arise when performing the contract.
  6. The performance of the third party beneficiary contract may be claimed by the beneficiary in the case where the contracting parties inform them about the fact that an agreement has been entered into for their benefit.
  7. We use the expression ’assume a debt’ when the third party delegates an obligation, such as a payment obligation to one of the contracting parties.
  8. Warranties are certain obligations which ensure the performance of the contract, but do not provide remedy for possible future problems.
  9. If the contract is not carried out as agreed, the non-breaching party does not have too many options.
  10. If the non-breaching party chooses to turn to the court instead of starting negotiation or involve a mediator, it is advisable to send reminders and demand letters before starting a legal action.
Selected Value: 0
1= very easy 10= too difficult, not my level

Exercise 3

Put the expressions from the box under the appropriate headings.

within X banking days

at the domicile of the natural person in full amount
in cash at the registered office of the business association in monthly arrears
at a future date by wire transfer (it should be credited to the seller’s account) by / in installments
in advance simultaneously with the other party’s performance deposit it into escrow

Write your answers here.

Selected Value: 0
1= very easy 10= too difficult, not my level

Exercise 4

Translate the following sentences into English.


The monthly rental fee shall be paid in HUF in an amount equivalent to 8000 Euros, at an exchange rate which shall be calculated at the foreign exchange rate of the National Bank of Hungary valid on the last day of the month preceding the payment. The rental fee shall be transferred in advance monthly to Lessor’s bank account no later than the 5th day of the month for which payment is due.

Name and seat of Bank:

Bank Account No.:

Lessee shall deposit the HUF equivalent of 8000 Euros within 8 working days from the execution of the present agreement. This sum shall serve as security deposit against damages caused by Lessee’s inappropriate use of the apartment or for any unpaid utility fees, and shall be refunded to Lessee after the termination of the lease contract at the latest, simultaneously with the payment by Lessee of any outstanding bills on the apartment, in the above sum.

Selected Value: 0
1= very easy 10= too difficult, not my level

Exercise 5

Translate the following sentences into English.

A banki átutalást a szerződés megkötését követő 8 napon belül kell teljesíteni.

A teljes vételár kifizetésére a vevő lakóhelyén kerül sor.

A vételár megfizetése a másik fél teljesítésével egyidejűleg történik meg.

A vételár fele, összesen 50 millió Forint, a szerződés megkötését követő 5 banki napon belül kerül kifizetésre, míg a fennmaradó összeg, összesen 50 millió forint megfizetése 20 hónap alatt, havi egyenlő részletekben kerül kifizetésre.

A vevő a vételár 1/3-át a vevő készpénzben fizeti meg, ügyvédi letétbe való helyezéssel, a maradék 2/3-át pedig banki átutalással.

Selected Value: 0
1= very easy 10= too difficult, not my level

Exercise 6

1. Listen to the following voicemail one of your clients sent to you and take notes. 2. Use your notes and record a similar voicemail.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Other possibilities: send a voicemail through FaceTime, WhatsApp or Messenger.

The feedback to your answer will be sent to you in a voicemail.

Selected Value: 0
1= very easy 10= too difficult, not my level

Kapcsolódó tartalmak:


Contract Law I - Task 7


Contract Law I - Task 8


Contract Law - Task 9


Exercise 1
Exercise 2
Exercise 3
Exercise 4
Exercise 5
Exercise 6

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