Legal English Challenge 2.0 – Day 5 Quiz

Let’s take the quiz!

1 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

Employee's salary shall be paid __________ arrear until the 5th day of each month following the month at issue.

2 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

All bank or exchange charges shall be paid ________ advance by the sender.

3 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

The Seller and the Buyer agreed to deposit the sum of HUF 2,000,0000 into escrow _________ the Buyer's attorney.

4 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

Company shall pay Contractor’s fee _________ 8 banking days of the receipt of the invoice by wire transfer to Contractor’s bank account (bank account number: ).

5 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

The rental fee shall be paid _________ bank transfer in advance monthly to Lessor’s bank account no later than the 5th day of the month for which payment is due.

6 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

Employee's salary shall be paid __________ arrear until the 5th day of each month following the month at issue.

7 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

__________ consideration of the rights granted under this Agreement the Media Company shall pay to the Author the Lícence Fee as follows:...

8 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

All payments shall be made _________ bank transfer.

9 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

The rental fee shall be transferred __________ advance monthly to Lessor’s bank account no later than the 5th day of the month for which payment is due.

10 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

The Seller and the Buyer  agreed to deposit the sum of HUF 2,000,0000 __________ escrow with the Buyer's attorney.

11 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

All payments shall be made _________ cash.

12 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

Severance pay shall be paid __________ one lump sum to Employee.

13 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

Company shall pay Contractor’s fee within 8 banking days of the receipt of the invoice __________ wire transfer to Contractor’s bank account (bank account number: ).



14 / 14

Choose the correct preposition.

The Principal shall pay Consultant a fee of HUF 10,000,000 __________ equal monthly instalments.

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