PV Partners Test

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A teszt szintje B2-C1.

PV Parners Test

The number of attempts remaining is 1

1 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

It is typically entered into by and between a buyer and seller(s) of a ___1___ shares whereby the seller(s) agrees to sell a specific number of shares to the buyer for a specified price. 

2 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

SPAs fall within the domain of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and typically arise where an investor wholly or partially ___2___ a company and thereby the investor also acquires its liabilities.

3 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

The basic elements of a share purchase agreement include, among others, payment of the purchase price, ___3____ (a term in a contract which provides that the agreement or certain parts of the agreement will only come into force if and when certain conditions are satisfied),…

4 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

…  ___4___ (obligations which ensure the performance of the contract and also provide remedy for possible future problems),

5 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

…  ___5___ (obligations to reimburse the other party in full if particular events happen and the ther party incurrs loss as a result),…

6 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

… ___6___ (right for existing shareholders to have first refusal on the issue of new shares by a company),…

7 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

… ___7___ (right to purchase certain shares at a certain price up until a defined expiration date),…

8 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

…  ___8___ (right to sell specific shares by a set date at a set price),…

9 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

… ___9___ (or "co-sale right" allowing minority stakeholders to sell shares under the same conditions as a majority stakeholder) …

10 / 20

Choose the correct option to complete the gap.

… and ___10___ (or "bring along right", gives majority stakeholders the ability to sell a company to a third-party without consent from minority shareholders).

11 / 20


12 / 20

Choose the correct word or expression to complete the gap.

In the simplest share purchase agreement, there are two parties – the __________ and the __________ if the company is owned by a number of shareholders. However, there may be other parties who have an interest in the shares, such as banks, landlords or other companies within a group.

13 / 20

How would you express in a contract in English 'elidegenít üzletrészt'?

14 / 20

How would you express in a contract in English 'tehermentesít üzletrészt'?

15 / 20

How would you express in a contract in English 'megterhel üzletrészt'?

16 / 20

What is the difference between the expressions 'exclude a right' and 'waive a right?

17 / 20

How would you express in a contract in English, that 'tvalakinek tudomása van valamiről'?

18 / 20

Which words would you use for 'üzletrész'?

19 / 20

In which field of law do we use (1) ‘restraint of trade’ and (2) 'non-competition' clauses?

20 / 20

Please explain the difference between "signing a document" and "executing a document".

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