Contract Law I – Introduction
Welcome to the first module of our Contract Law training course!
This course is designed to provide you with a comprehensive understanding of contract law principles, essential for navigating legal agreements in various contexts.
This module has three sections:
Rights and Obligations
Sources and Documents
Place, Time and Method of Performance
Each of the three topics begins with a brief introduction, followed by an audio recording and related questions. Afterward, you’ll find a longer explanatory text along with English-Hungarian and Hungarian-English glossaries. Finally, the unit concludes with a 50-question test covering true/false, multiple-choice, error-spotting, and translation tasks.
You have 1 month (30 days) to complete the training.
Let’s embark on this learning journey together!

Lingua Juris Szaknyelvi Központ
Tulajdonos: Connect Europe Bt.
Levelezési cím: 1027 - Budapest, Medve u. 23.
Telefon: 06 1 783 1339,
Mobil: 06 20 340 9278